Everyone knows that China is a huge nation. Due to its size, it can be difficult for you to find the exact location of a supplier in the city whilst sourcing products from China. With this article, you will get to know the basic geography of this country, and the good news is that China can be divided into three areas for importers. The areas consist of Bohai Economic Rim, Pearl River Delta, and Yangtze River Delta. Let’s take a look at each region so that importing from China becomes trouble-free. Suppliers can be located in any of the abovementioned regions, and understanding these areas will help you to know your supplier’s whereabouts. Before moving on, you should know why it is vital to know China’s geography as an importer.
Benefits of Knowing China’s Geography
Lesser Costs-
When you know the geography of China, you can easily find the source of suppliers who are in your proximity. This will help in saving freight costs as it becomes easier for you to arrange shipment.
Easier Transportation-
When your suppliers are within your reach, you can easily visit them. You can visit your suppliers whenever you want to talk to them face to face. Some suppliers may pick you up in their private car, saving your cost.
Good Quality Products-
In the specific regions of China, different industries are located. Trading, competition and vendor sharing exist in these areas which will help you to identify quality products.
For China’s product sourcing, one has to understand the Chinese province, top exporting provinces in China and significant importing areas in China.
Chinese Province
China has 23 provinces including 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, and 2 special administrative regions. The autonomous regions of China are referred to as the Chinese administrative divisions, each having its local government with legislative rights which includes Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangxi, and Inner Mongolia. Chinese municipalities are governed by the central government, each having equal economic, political and jurisdictional rights. The provinces are Tianjin and Shanghai. SAR (Special Administrative Regions) are designed to resolve Macau and Hong Kong issues. In this, the ideologies of both socialist and capitalist coexist. These areas include Macau and Hong Kong.
Top Exporting Provinces in China
Guangdong’s economy can be compared to many nations in 2014 with a GDP of about $1104.05 million. This is the largest province by GDP since the year 1989 in China. When the nation is compared with country subdivisions in terms of the dollar, its GDP is greater than all except subdivisions like Texas, New York, England, Tokyo, and California. The Pearl Delta is found in Guangdong.
For sourcing services, you can choose Jiangsu as it has the highest GDP per capita in comparison to all Chinese provinces. Its extensive irrigation system supports its agricultural practice which is based on sorghum, maize, rice, and wheat. It also deals with cash crops like rapeseed, tea, cotton, hemp, peanuts, and soybeans. The region has natural gas, petroleum, and coal deposits. This region houses the Yangtze River Delta.
Do you know that Shanghai is the financial and commercial center of China? It has achieved rank 16th in the Global Financial Centres Index in 2016. It was published by Qatar Financial Centre Authority and Z/Yen Group. In the year 2013, the municipality introduced China (Shanghai) Free Pilot-Trade Zone, which created a favorable ambiance for global investment. Yangtze River Delta located in this province.
Generally referred to as the “Land of fish and rice”, Zhejiang has earned its reputation by producing silk. Its main crops are rice and wheat, and the major cash crops are tea, jute, and cotton. Yangtze River Delta is situated in this region.
This province is also a suitable region if you are planning sourcing products from China. Shandong produces wheat, maize, cotton, sorghum and valuable metals like diamonds, sapphire, and gold. It has a core deposit of petroleum as well. Interestingly, you will find bromine from underwater wells. This region is the largest exporter of rural and farm products in China. This province shelters the Shandong Peninsula.
Significant Importing Areas in China
There are three important importing regions in China and they are Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, and Bohai Economic Rim.
Bohai Economic Rim-
This region surrounds Tianjin and Beijing and includes other regions in Shandong, Liaoning, and Hebei that encircle the Bohai Sea. This rim has gone through some of the major changes in infrastructure and economy. For China’s product sourcing, Bohai Economic Rim is considered a wise choice as the region has heavy manufacturing industries. Aviation, Logistics, and shipping are present in Tianjin, whereas, Beijing specializes in education, petrochemicals and R&D industries. Recently, natural gas and petroleum deposits are discovered in Bo Hai regions.
Yangtze River Delta-
Also known as Changjiang Delta, Lake Tai Region, Yangtze Delta, Yangzi Jiang Delta or Golden Triangle of the Yangtze, this region included Shanghai, the northern Zhejiang province of China and southern Jiangsu province. Almost 140 million people reside in this region which produces hemp, cotton, grain, and tea.
Pearl River Delta-
This region encircles Pearl River estuary where the river joins the South China Sea. Often called as the emerging megacity, it is the economic center of China. In 2013, the 9 biggest cities have a population of 57.15 million which is equal to 53.69% of the provincial population. Pearl River Delta is one of the greatest manufacturing centers for plastic products, electronic products, toys, garments, and textiles. This province shows about 33.3% of China’s trade value with maximum private-owned organizations playing a major role in the PRD’s economic growth.
Whilst opting for sourcing services, you may feel intimidated or scared when you check the Chinese’s map and come across different names of cities. However, when you understand the four main regions of China, it will become easier for you to envision the land and find a suitable supplier for your business.