Coolers and Gondolas Sourcing Project Case Study

A top convenience store chain tasked Dragon Sourcing, a global sourcing service, to find new qualified suppliers for coolers and gondolas. The project’s goal was to help the client meet its procurement needs by targeting suppliers from China, Turkey, Mexico, Spain and Vietnam. Dragon Sourcing utilized a comprehensive approach involving supplier pre-qualification, market analysis, RFI/RFQ development, and supplier evaluations.  

Project Approach: The project was conducted in two stages: 

  1. Supplier Pre-Qualification:
  1. We identified 276 suppliers for coolers and 232 for gondolas. 
  1. 199 cooler suppliers and 124 gondola suppliers passed the pre-screening stage. 
  1. Dragon Sourcing administered 120 RFI/RFQs for coolers and 93 for gondolas. We used scorecards to evaluate the responses, ensuring only the most suitable suppliers advanced to the next stage.
  1. Selection and Contracting:
  1. A rigorous RFI/RFQ evaluation process resulted in selecting 34 suppliers for coolers and 34 for gondolas. 
  1. The highest RFI score for coolers was 91 points, while for gondolas, it was 95 points. 
  1. Based on the RFQ analysis, Dragon Sourcing recommended several suppliers from China, such as Supplier 1 for coolers, which has three factories, 400 staff members, and an ISO 9001 certification, making it a strong contender. 


  • Coolers: Of the 276 suppliers identified, 120 passed pre-screening, with 34 submitting both RFI and RFQ. Dragon Sourcing’s top recommendation achieved a score of 91, with strong performance in price and quality. 
  • Gondolas: From 232 suppliers, 93 passed pre-screening, with 34 submitting both RFI and RFQ. The highest-rated supplier for gondolas scored 95 points, offering high-quality products at competitive prices. 

The project concluded within 10 weeks, with final selections made based on price competitiveness, quality standards, and certifications. 

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